Children between
8 and 11 years old

Placeholder for the image "https://storage.googleapis.com/diproinduca-prod-bucket-fb24935ae53a2458/contest/ct_1_b9d45ec18e/ct_1_b9d45ec18e.png".

Thinkers revel in their imagination and see the world as it can be, not only as it is. The best way to motivate and encourage this group is with a lot of questions that don’t need perfect answers. The creative and insightful vision of this group has much to offer.

Placeholder for the image "https://storage.googleapis.com/diproinduca-prod-bucket-fb24935ae53a2458/contest/ct_2_4f2c749d25/ct_2_4f2c749d25.png".

discover more..

Videos with interesting 

ideas to support the goals

Placeholder for the image "https://storage.googleapis.com/diproinduca-prod-bucket-fb24935ae53a2458/contest/img_video_99d523f359/img_video_99d523f359.png".

Jury and qualification criteria

Thinkers: The technique used will be considered as well as the understanding of the theme and the reflection created by the drawing. Let 's meet our Judges .

Awards For Thinkers

The winners of the contest will receive the award corresponding to their age and category. 

Each award is conformed as follows: 

Placeholder for the image "https://storage.googleapis.com/diproinduca-prod-bucket-fb24935ae53a2458/contest/c_1_7bd31d781a/c_1_7bd31d781a.png".1ST PLACE


Prize $275  and a donation of $275 to your favourite cause.

Placeholder for the image "https://storage.googleapis.com/diproinduca-prod-bucket-fb24935ae53a2458/contest/c_2_a23fb55718/c_2_a23fb55718.png".2nd place

2nd place

Prize $250  and a donation of $250 to your favourite cause.

Placeholder for the image "https://storage.googleapis.com/diproinduca-prod-bucket-fb24935ae53a2458/contest/c_3_0c4fed889d/c_3_0c4fed889d.png".3rd place

3rd place

Prize $225  and a donation of $225 to your favourite cause.

The same amount of the Gift Card will be donated by Diproinduca on behalf of the winner to one of the preselected organizations whose cause the winner chooses to support.

All participants will receive a certificate of participation