Combat climate change from home.

Jul 07, 2021|13Climate Action

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Climate change is the long-term change in the average weather patterns of the planet. The leading cause of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal. These fuels emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere—creating what we know as the greenhouse effect.

Other human activities, such as agriculture and deforestation, also contribute to the proliferation of greenhouse gases that cause climate change.

According to the UN, to limit global warming to 1.5°C, scientists have recommended that by 2030 global emissions be cut by 45% compared to 2010 levels. Compared to 2010, emissions from developed countries fell by approximately 6.2% in 2019, while emissions from developing countries (comprising 70 countries) rose by 14.4% in 2014. This tipping point can be critical in ensuring the world as we know it makes it another century.

Healing the planet starts in your garage, in your kitchen, and at your dining room table. You can help stop climate change by making small changes at home; for example, use less water when you shower, wash your car or do the dishes. Reduce the amount of food waste you generate, try to eat all the food you buy, and when you can't, try to compost it.


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Thinking Cap On

Every little help counts!!!
Start by turning off all the appliances at night so that you use less energy and when possible, look out for renewable energy sources such as solar or wind energy. Last but not least, research and inform others about the dangers of climate change. 

Together we can save the world! 
