Sonia B Riera-Petricca Founder WED-Drawing Contest

Jul 27, 2021|0Judges

Placeholder for the image "".Sonia B Riera-Petricca Founder WED-Drawing Contest

Hi, I am Sonia Riera-Petricca

I live in Kitchener, ON, Canada.

My favorite part of my town is the biking and hiking trails along the Grand River. 

I love having a meal with people that I love. I love sitting outside and just breathing the air in. I love listening to music. I love laughing with my children.

I Dislike Injustice.

My Favorite Ice cream flavor is Dark Chocolate.

I can't decide if I'm a mountain or a beach person, because I love them both. I was born in a country with both the beauty of the sea and the magic of the mountains.

My favorite place in nature is definitely Los Roques, Venezuela.

A philosophy that inspires me the most would be that I believe in leading by example and inspiring my team to be the best they can be with passion and love for what they do.

On social media, you can find me @sbriera

 I think these two goals are essential, would be honored to represent 

Goal #3 Good Health and Wellbeing: Health and well-being need to become a top-of-mind issue for everyone. As a mother of two young boys, I realize that I put my boys' future at risk without my health. That is a chance I am not willing to take. 

Goal #4 Quality Education: With access to quality education, we can ensure the knowledge needed to become a more sustainable world.

